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Welcome to EBCWA

Want to join us in our mission of making quality academic Bible-study materials freely available for all?


It begins with the local church. It begins with you. Welcome to EBCWA, where we believe all churches, all nations, and all people should have free and unrestricted access to quality theological training. An academic education of the Bible should never be fenced behind social or economic limitations. EBCWA provides all its courses and resources completely free online for you to engage and share at your freedom and leisure.


Our books, PDF resources and lecture recordings are used all over the world to train believers in Christian leadership, growth, and discipleship. A practical and academic Biblical education has seldom been this simple.

"Freely ye have received, freely give".


What We Do

 EBCWA provides free online theological education developed to equip and empower the local church.
Our core programme is the EBCWA’s Diploma in Theology, developed for training believers from all walks of life in Biblical understanding, growth, and ministry. This course has been freely adopted and taught in hundreds of learning sites internationally, and we invite you to do the same, free of any cost or formal membership.


All EBCWA course material is developed to be accessible for all demographics and contexts. What began as a programme for training assistant pastors has since reached some of the world’s toughest slums, even transforming South African prisoners into pastors. Our course materials have also been used as a core resource in Bible studies and sermons to church congregations. All education we provide is developed to be “to the point”, action provoking, and always practical.


The EBCWA Diploma in Theology

Bible Commentaries

Christian Counseling

Church History

Christian Missions

Prison Ministry

Pastoral Theology and Manuals

Systematic Theology

Christian Living

Our Primary Courses include:


Who We Are

The Word is our foundation. Jesus is our heart. The Gospel is our focus.


The Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia is an online Christian college established in 1991 to support the robust development of servant-leaders for God’s Church world-wide. Our Head Office is in Perth, Australia and connects with branches in 52 other nations to serve a board family of churches from Evangelical Charismatic to Baptist.


We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour of the world, and that the Holy Spirit breathes life into the Church. It is our founding desire to see Bible believing, prayer-saturated and Holy Spirit-filled men and women transforming their local communities in passionate and effective Christ-like service. For over 30 years EBCWA courses have been used to train thousands internationally for this ministry entirely for free, no strings attached.


© 2023 EBCWA. All rights reserved.

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