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Current Lecture Series


Study of Theology

A comprehensive wealth of Bible commentaries designed for practical and pastoral application. Grow in spiritual discipline, exegetical understanding, and bless your community with this powerful toolset for equipping believers. Free to you forever.


Great Mentors of Faith

Journey with us as we travel back through the Old Testament to examine the lives, failures, and victories of some of the Bible’s greatest mentors. Find wisdom, character, and faith in the proverbs and chronicles of ancient and legendary kings.


Searching the Psalms

From the depths of lament to the heights of praise, the book of Psalms is a love letter from a troubled people to a faithful God. Search the Psalms with us and discover a joyful reflection of Christian humanity in the light of divine promise.


Harmony of the Gospels

The 4 eye-witness accounts of the life of Jesus changed the way the world looked forever and continue to instruct God’s people today. The harmony of the Gospels is an in-depth exploration of these accounts and the practical teachings they contain.


Last Words for Last Days

Through mysteries and revelations, visions and prophecies, the Bible speaks a powerful message to our present generation and the horizon ahead. This special series guides students through an intelligent uncovering of the Biblical Last Days. When days turn to darkness, we search and hold fast to the Word.


Perfect Tense Study

The perfect tense in the Koine Greek of the New Testament implies eternal implications that God, using it, we believe guides us to study and apply it. We have pleasure in providing 9 summary volumes of the Greek Perfect Tense Project.

Book 290-11 shows the complex structure and overall results of the Project.


Studies at OBC

Current weekly studies held at Orakei Baptist Church on topics of Faith Mentors, The Book of Revelation, and Church History.  Included also archives from 2017 to 2023


Free to Learn. Free to Share. Free Forever.

Your local Church can be a Bible College.


All churches, all nations, and all people should have free and unrestricted access to quality theological training. This is the vision of EBCWA. Funded by the donations of readers like you, our books, PDF resources and lecture recordings are used all over the world to train believers in Christian leadership, growth, and discipleship. EBCWA is a community of contemporary theological scholars from leading ministry backgrounds who volunteer themselves freely to making this vision happen. Economic and social barriers need not prevent anyone from a practical Biblical education. "Freely ye have received, freely give".


“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”


Every Church a Bible College

A church in Nigeria is working in daylight, avoiding the danger for believers meeting after dark.
Elsewhere, a Zambian church remind us that concrete block buildings and dirt floors are okay to study in.
In both places, graduate students are celebrating with their EBCWA Diplomas of Theology.


EBCWA is proud to support the equipping of believers across the globe. We receive regular updates from many of these churches and are humbled to share in their stories. Through the generous provision of the Lord through our supporters, we are able to empower men and women to understand, embody, and disciple others in the truth of the living Word.


We believe that every Church can be Bible college.
Click Here for the April 2022 guidance statement from Dean John McEwan.
If you’d like to support the EBCWA ministry, please Contact Us to connect.


Lecturer Spotlight

Dr John C. McEwan

MA (Hons), DipTchg, PhD, VRD, MNZAC


As a professional counsellor of more than thirty years’ experience, John brings a unique wealth of practical understanding and Biblical knowledge to each study. Specializing in counselling stress, grief, burnout and depression-anxiety, as “Dr Stress” he regularly speaks at “Mental Skills” seminars and counsels in the business and sporting worlds. John leads four weekly onsite Bible study groups designed to empower believers in their life journey at Orakei Baptist Church in Auckland, New Zealand.


“My greatest passion is bringing believers into passionate engagement with the Word of God, to truly know the One who is revealed there on every page.”


Contact Us

​At EBCWA through the world wide web we offer material for those who seriously apply God’s Word and “Seek” for truth and keep knocking on the Bible door by systematic bible study.


Our mission is to provide material for you to do the work in your local church. – its provided – it’s here – it’s in this website.


Download the material freely – study it and be led by the Holy Spirit to apply it into the very fabric of your life and church. Study and then teach the material locally. If you find this instruction hard to follow you are not ready for the task yet.


We no longer run courses, nor grant diplomas and degrees. Use what we provide and “Just Do It!” in Holy Spirit filled power.


Our time is spent on writing material for the churches that use the material to keep them moving forward in stead of answering emails. Join the fraternity of EBCWA of over 600 specific bible college sites and teach and distribute the material.


Everything is here. No admin staff, no expenses, no money to give away - we have only 100% of our time on our task before the Lord.


We encourage you to do the same.


Dr John C McEwan



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