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Ōrākei Baptist Church
Study Recordings


Here you'll find audio recordings of the study lectures held at Ōrākei Baptist Church alongside their accompanying study material. Use the links below to navigate to the recordings you wish to access.


Faith Mentors

(33) Issac and Jacob Genesis 36

29/09/2024 Ref. 2Cor13:5 1John1:9 Hebrews2:1-4 12:1

(32) Issac and Jacob Genesis 35

29/09/2024 Ref. Proverbs23:7 Obadiah1:1-4 Malachi1:1-5

(31) Issac and Jacob Genesis 34


(30) Issac and Jacob Genesis 32v21-33v20

22/09/2024 Ref. Nehemiah4:13-23 Habakkuk3:17-19

(29) Issac and Jacob Genesis 32v1-32v20

22/09/2024 Ref. Rev21:8 Hebrews3:12 4:1-2 2Peter3:9 John3:16 3:36 Phil3:1

(28) Issac and Jacob Genesis 31

13/08/2024 Ref. Deu32:35ff 33:27 Psalm94  95 Hebrews10 12 Rom12 1Cor6

(27) Issac and Jacob Genesis 29v15-30v43

10/08/2024 Ref. Ex20:5-6 Jer31:29-30 Ezek18:1-4

(26) Issac and Jacob Genesis 28v1-29v14

10/08/2024 Ref. Plsam127 1Tim4:1

(25) Issac and Jacob Genesis 27

29/07/2024 Ref. 1Peter5:5-11

(24) Issac and Jacob Genesis 26

28/07/2024 Ref. Gen3:17-19 2Thess3:5-15

(23) Issac and Jacob Genesis 25v12-25v34

22/07/2024 Ref. Hebrews3 4

(22) Abraham Genesis 25v1-25v11

22/07/2024 Ref. Psalm68:20 116:5, 15 2Tim4:1-8

(21) Abraham Genesis 24v28-24v67

14/07/2024 Ref. 1Kings3:3-4 Psalm18:35 34:8-11 37:23 84:10-12 112:1-3 Provb10:22-23 22:4 1Tim2:8-10

(20) Abraham Genesis 24v8-24v27

07/07/2024 Ref. Psalm112:1-3 Provb10:22 Isaiah51:1-3 2Cor12:9-10 

(19) Abraham Genesis 23v1-24v10

30/06/2024 Ref. 2Cor6:14-18 1Thess4:13ff Luke16 Psalm68:20 116:15 Hebrews12:1-3

(18) Abraham Genesis 22v11-22v24

23/06/2024 Ref. Hebrews11:17-19 James 2:19-21 1:19 Gen18:14 Psa8:3 1Tim4:15 

(17) Abraham Genesis 22v1-22v12

16/06/2024 Ref. Hebrews11:17-19 James 2:21 1Cor10:11

(16) Abraham Genesis 21v22-21v34

09/06/2024 Ref. Hebrews11:1-3 1Cor8:8-9 9 20-23 Matt3:1-6 Eph5:15

(15) Abraham Genesis 20v1-21v21

02/06/2024 Ref. 1Peter3:1-4

(14) Abraham Genesis 19v16-20v2

26/05/2024 Ref. 2Peter2:7 Eph5:25-26 Gal5:22-23 2Cor12 1John1:5-10

(13) Abraham Genesis 19v1-19v28


(12) Abraham Genesis 18

12/05/2024 Ref. Romans8:9 4:9 4:16-25

(11) Abraham Genesis 17v1-17v16

05/05/2024 Ref. Psalm37:34-40 Rom4:11-22 James2:17-26 John10:10 1Thes4:1

(10) Abraham Genesis 15v13-17v2

21/04/2024 Ref. Isaiah30:10 James1:5-10

(9) Abraham Genesis 15

14/04/2024 Ref. 1Peter5:5-7 1John4:18-19 Numbers12:6-8

(8) Abraham Genesis 14v12-14v24

07/04/2024 Ref. Luk22:36 11:21 3:14 Matt25:41 Num32:23 Neh2:11 4:7-18 6:3 11:15

(7) Abraham Genesis 13v8-14v15 

24/03/2024 Ref. Gal 5:16-22 Titus3:3-7 James3:14-18 4:1-3 

(6) Abraham Genesis 12v10-13v7

17/03/2024 Ref. 1John1:9

(5) Abraham Genesis 12v4-12v9

10/03/2024 Ref. 1John2:15-17 Isaiah28:21 30:18 2Peter2:7 2:17-18 3:17-18

(4) Abraham Genesis 12v1-12v3

03/03/2024 Ref. Romans8:28 Luke14:25-35 2Cor6:14-7:1 10:3-7

(3) Abraham Genesis 11-12

25/02/2024 Ref. Ephesians5:9-20

(2) Intro Habakkuk 2

18/02/2024 Ref. Habakkuk2:1-4 Gal3:11 Rom1:11 Hebrews10:35-38

(1) Intro Hebrews 10

11/02/2024 Ref. Acts7 1Cor4:11-16 Phil3:7-10 Col1:24 Psalm103


Revelation / Politics in the Age of the Gentile

Ezekiel Chapter 37-39

12/12/2024 Ref Ezekiel 36:24, 32

Politics in the Age of the Gentiles (9)

10/12/2024 Ref 1Peter1:18-19 2:9-10

Politics in the Age of the Gentiles (8)

05/12/2024 Ref Isaiah55 Jeremiah10 Hebrewss11

Politics in the Age of the Gentiles (7)

03/12/2024 Ref Psalm103 James2 2Tim1:7

Politics in the Age of the Gentiles (6)

28/11/2024 Ref Dan2:1-6 3:1 4:1ff Isa44:28 Ezra1:1-5 2Chr36:22-23 Dan8:5-8 21-22

Politics in the Age of the Gentiles (5)

26/11/2024 Ref Matt27:2-26 Dan11:4 Matt19:16-24 2Cor5:7-21

Politics in the Age of the Gentiles (4)

21/11/2024 Ref Acts12:20-23 Matt2 Luke2 Matt19:16-24

Politics in the Age of the Gentiles (3)

19/11/2024 Ref Dan5 Ecc3:1-17 12:1-14 Prov11:14 24:6 Romans8:9 John8:32-42 2Tim4

Politics in the Age of the Gentiles (2)

14/11/2024 Ref John12:31 14:30 16:11 2Sam12-15 Psalm 51 James4:1-17 1Peter5 Phil2:3-5 Romans12 1John1:5-10

Politics in the Age of the Gentiles (1)

12/11/2024 Ref John3:36 Rev21:8, 27 22:11-15  Matt7:20 4:3-11 1Peter2

Revelation (57) 21v24-22v21 Fin

07/11/2024 Ref John1:7-13 3:16-19 8:12 Isa60 1Peter1 2 12Cor11:12-15 Heb1:14 4

Revelation (56) 21v8-21v23

05/11/2024 Ref John8:31-59 3:16-36 Rom8:9 James1:9-11 Luke12:16-21 Hebrews1:14

Revelation (55) 21v4-21v8

31/10/2024 Ref Zech4:6-10 2Cor5:1-5 1John5 2Tim2:13 1Peter1:4-5 2:9 John3:16-36

Revelation (54) 21v1-21v3

29/10/2024 Ref John14:1-2 1Peter2:9-11 5:7 2Peter3:9 Romans8:18-23 James4

Revelation (53) 20v8-20v15

24/10/2024 Ref James4:6-10 1Peter5:5b,8-11Romans8 Deu30

Revelation (52) 20v6-20v9

22/10/2024 Ref 1Cor15-23-24 13:12-13 2Cor5:6-9 Matt6:19 Romans8 James4:6-10 1Peter5:8-11

Revelation (51) 20v3-20v6

17/10/2024 Ref Proverbs2:1-4 5:5 Ecclesiastes12:8-14 Isaiah14:4-23 55:6-9 

Revelation (50) 20v1-20v2

15/10/2024 Ref Isaiah24:21-22 Hosea3:3-5 Zech12:8-10 14:12 John14,16 1John4:4 James4:7-11 1Peter5:6-11

Revelation (49) 19v6-19v21

10/10/2024 Ref Psalm46:10 2Cor5:6-9 Luke16 2Tim1:7 Rom8 Dan7:21-22 1Cor6:1-5

Revelation (48) 19v1-19v5

08/10/2024 Ref Matt6:31 7:13-16 Romans8:28 1John4:4 1Cor3:10-1

Revelation (47) 19v3-19v10

14/08/2024 Ref 2Cor5 1Peter2:9-10 Matt5

Revelation (46) 19v1-19v3

14/08/2024 Ref Matt6:25-33 Phil4:4-13

Revelation (45) 18v11-18v24

13/07/2024 Ref 1John4:10

Revelation (44) 18v3-18v10

18/07/2024 Ref Matt6:19-24 2Tim2:1-10 1John2:15-19 Lev19 Luke12:19-20 James5 1John4:4, 17

Revelation (43) 17v15-18v3

16/07/2024 Ref Jeremiah51-6-10 John3  1John

Revelation (42) 17v3-17v14

11/07/2024 Ref 2Thess2:3-12 Matt4

Revelation (41) 16v18-17v2

09/07/2024 Ref Psalm1-2 Hebrews12-25-29 2Thess2:3-12 2Peter3:9 Romans8:9

Revelation (40) 16v12-16v17

04/07/2024 Ref Zech12:1-12 13:7-14:5 Romans9:33 10:11 Eph5:14

Revelation (39) 16v1-16v11

02/07/2024 Ref Isaiah1:4-7 15-20 6:9-13 John15

Revelation (38) 15v5-16v1

27/06/2024 Ref Matt24:8 Romans8:18-28 Hebrews3:7-19 Isaiah51:17-22 Gen6:3

Revelation (37) 15v1-15v6

25/06/2024 Ref Joel2:28-32 3:9-12 Zec14:12 2Cor5:9-11 14 20 Eph5:9f Matt26:39-46 Ex15 Deu31-32 Phil1:21ff-2,3

Revelation (36) 14v7-14v20

20/06/2024 Ref Prov1:7 10, 2:2 1, 3:5 1Cor7:2-5 Hebrews13:4 John3:16-36 12:47-48 14:23 15:7-16 Joel2-3

Revelation (35) 13v18-14v6

18/06/2024 Ref 2Peter3:9 1John1:9 Ezekiel38 39 Isaiah55:6-9 Jeremiah10:23-24 1Cor7:2-5 Hebrews13:41John2:21-27

Revelation (34) 13v11-13v17

13/06/2024 Ref Dan11 2Thess2:3-4 9 12 Matt7 Dan3

Revelation (33) 13v5-13v10

11/06/2024 Ref John8:42-45 Dan11:33-35 41 

Revelation (32) 12v17-13v5

06/06/2024 Ref Lamentation 3:20-24 Matt24:4-13 2Thess2 Dan2 7 9 11

Revelation (31) 12v5-12v17

04/06/2024 Ref Matt6:25 Dan12:1-3 John8:44-58 1John4:1-4 Zech12

Revelation (30) 12v1-12v5

30/05/2024 Ref 2Peter3:9 Gen37:9-11 Matt1:6 1:12-16 1John4:4

Revelation (29) 11v7-11v19

28/05/2024 Ref Acts17

Revelation (28) 11v1-11v7

23/05/2024 Ref Luke21:8-24 Dan8:11-14 9:18-19 11 12 Rev7:1-17 11:1-6 14:6-7

Revelation (27) 10

21/05/2024 Ref John10 15 Heb10:30-31 38-39 12:29 Eph5:16 Col4:5 1:24-26 Jer15 Eze3 Deu35 Phil3:10 

Revelation (26) 9v9-9v21

16/05/2024 Ref 1Peter3:18 1John4:4

Revelation (25) 8v13-9v8

14/05/2024 Ref Josh23:7 24:20 Lev17 2Cor1:21-22 Eph1:13

Revelation (24) 7v17-8v12

09/05/2024 Ref Rev21:4 Psalm22-24 John10 Hebrews13 1Peter5 Eph5:26 Isa28:21-22

Revelation (23) 7v9-7v17

07/05/2024 Ref Ecclesiastes12:13-14 Matt24,25 John 7-10

Revelation (22) 7v3-7v8

02/05/2024 Ref Gen49:1-28 Deu33 Eze48 Gal3:26 1Cor12:12 Rom10:11 Col3:10-17

Revelation (21) 6v12-7v3

30/04/2024 Ref Matt6:25-31

Revelation (20) 6v3-6v15

23/04/2024 Ref Dan8:23-25 11:36

Revelation (19) 6v1-6v2

18/04/2024 Ref Dan7 9 12 Matt24

Revelation (18) 5v1-5v14

16/04/2024 Ref Psalm2:11-12 1Peter2:5-10 Hebrews4:16 1v4

Revelation (17) 4v1-4v11

11/04/2024 Ref Ezekiel1 Matt24-25

Revelation (16) 3v18-3v22

09/04/2024 Ref 2Cor4:3-4 Hebrews12:6 Dan12

Revelation (15) 3v11-3v18

04/04/2024 Ref 1Cor10:13 2Tim3, 4 2Peter3

Revelation (14) 3v8-3v10

02/04/2024 Ref John13:34-35 21:20-26 Matt16:17 2Sam7:12-16 

Revelation (13) 2v28-3v7

26/03/2024 Ref 1John1:9 John15 Eph5:14-21

Revelation (12) 2v18-2v27

21/03/2024 Ref James2:16-20 Lev17:7 Deu32:15-18 Josh23:7 24:19-23 Eze23:5-7

Revelation (11) 2v11-2v17

19/03/2024 Ref Psalm116:15 Phil4:4-13 John3:13-36 Romans12:1-2 2Peter3:9

Revelation (10) 2v4-2v10

14/03/2024 Ref Psalm23:1-6 Phil3:7-10 James5 John15:11-17 Isaiah43 

Revelation (9) 2v1-2v3

12/03/2024 Ref 1John5:4 John 14-16 21 Luke18:8 2Tim3-4

Revelation (8) 1v17-1v20

07/03/2024 Ref John8:51-58 Psalm9:13 68:17Acts7:55-60 Matt16:18-19

Revelation (7) 1v12-1v16

05/03/2024 Ref Hebrews4,12 John14,16

Revelation (6) 1v7-1v11

29/02/2024 Ref Isaiah41:4 Hebrews4:16 Micah5:2 Col1:17 Phil4:7

Revelation (5) 1v4-1v7

27/02/2024 Ref 2Cor5 1Peter2:9-12 Nehemiah8:10 Hebrews4:16 1John5

Revelation (4) 1v1-1v4

22/02/2024 Ref 1Peter1:6-16 2:9 1Thess5:1 2Thess3:8-12

Revelation (3) Intro 

20/02/2024 Ref Luke18:1-8 2Peter3:1-13

Revelation (2) Intro 

15/02/2024 Ref Zec12:10-14 Matt24

Revelation (1) Intro 

13/02/2024 Ref Dan 2 7 8 9 12 Luke18


Church History

Church History (42) Vatican 2, Fatima and the Emerging 21th Century Church

12/12/2024 Ref John15:12-19 2Tim3:1-5 4:1-5

Church History (41) Church Union

05/12/2024 Ref 1Cor12:12-27 1John4:1-4, 7-19 2Cor13:11 Rom12:18 Eph4:3-6 2:14

Church History (40) The Battle for the Bible

28/11/2024 Ref 1Tim4:1-6 2Tim3:1-7 4:1-8 Jude20-25 Matt7:20-23 5:14-16 John8:44-58 16:8-11 Isaiah55:11

Church History (39) Harvest of Liberalism

21/11/2024 Ref Jeremaiah6:14 8:11 Ezekiel13:14-16 Isaiah48:16-22

Church History (38) Confronting the Babylon System

14/11/2024 Ref James5 Matt6:19-21 Jude3,4 1Cor6:9-1

Church History (37) Evolution and Liberalism

07/11/2024 Ref Jude3,4 2Peter2:1-3 3:1-7 1Tim4:1-5 2Tim3:1-5 4:1-5

Church History (36) The Rise of America

31/10/2024 Ref Matt5:13-16, 28:18-20 Isaiah66:8 Acts2:38-47 4:12-20

Church History (35) World Missions

24/10/2024 Ref Phil1:12-21 2Cor4:5-12 Acts4:12

Church History (34) Social Concerns

17/10/2024 Ref 1Thess4:11-12 2Thess3:6-13 James1,2 Isaiah55 Jeremiah23

Church History (33) Papal Infallibility and the Worship of Mary

10/10/2024 Ref Jeremiah 7:16-18 44:17-25

Church History (32) The Great Awakening or Revival in the USA 1720-1760

19/09/2024 Ref Matt10:34-39 John16:8-11 Acts2:36-41

Church History (31) The Wesleyan Revival - Methodism

05/08/2024 Ref James2:18 Revelation3:14-22

Church History (30) The Pietism

05/08/2024 Ref Deu11:13 13:3 Col3:23 Matthew28:18-20

Church History (29) The Age of (so called) Reason

05/08/2024 Ref James2:19 John3: Luke19:1-10 Isaiah14 Ezekiel28 Romans1:22ff

Church History (28) The Puritans

29/07/2024 Ref 1Peter2:9-10

Church History (27) The Counter Reformation

29/07/2024 Ref Acts8:1-4

Church History (26) The English Solution

28/07/2024 Ref Isaiah55:10-13

Church History (25) John Calvin

28/07/2024 Ref James2:14-26

Church History (24) Early Congregationalism

21/07/2024 Ref Acts6:1-4

Church History (23) Luther and the Reformation

21/07/2024 Ref Romans1:13-19

Church History (22) Prelude to the Reformation

18/07/2024 Ref 1John2:15-22 1Tim3:2-4 4:1-3 Matt20:25-28

Church History (21) Poverty and Wealth

11/07/2024 Ref Luke12:22-40 18:18 Psalms68 69 116 Matt20

Church History (20) Scholasticism

04/07/2024 Ref Isaiah55:1-13 John1:37-39 8:12,31,32 16:12-15 1Cor13:12

Church History (19) Crusades and Cathedrals

27/06/2024 Ref Jere7:1-15 Matt10:37-39 16:24-28 7:16 John15

Church History (18) The Church and State in Medieval Times

20/06/2024 Ref Romans13:1-7 1Sam8-10

Church History (17) Gregory The Great

13/06/2024 Ref Matt20:20-28 Mark9:33-37 10:42-45 1Peter5:5-7 2Cor5:8f 1Cor3:10-17

Church History (16) The Mission to the Barbarians

06/06/2024 Ref Matt28:18 Mark16:15 Acts28:1-10 2Sam11 Matt7:13

Church History (15) Icons

30/05/2024 Ref Isaiah44 45 46 51 55 Matt7

Church History (14) The Papacy and Power Politic

23/05/2024 Ref Matt16:13-19 Luke22:31-32  John21:15-17

Church History (13) Augustine of Hippo

16/05/2024 Ref Matt7 13:24 1John1:9

Church History (12) Monasticism 

09/05/2024 Ref Acts1:4-11 2:44 Zech14:4 Hebrews4:16 1Cor7

Church History (11) The Nature of The Lord - The Hypostatic Union

02/05/2024 Ref John 20:27-29 1:1-5 7:37-39 8:12 31-33 20:24-28 Hebrews1:1-4 

Church History (10) The Trinity Debate

18/04/2024 Ref Matt28:16 John20:27-29 2Peter3:10-18 1John2:8-11 3:11-13

Church History (9) Constantine and the Church

11/04/2024 Ref Matt7:13-23 5:11-16 22:15-22 James1:19-27 2:12-26 1Peter2:9-17

Church History (8) The Apologists and The Intellectuals

04/04/2024 Ref 1Cor9:19-27 Matt7 James2:17-20 Acts17:16-34 John16:8-11

Church History (7) The Great Episcopy

28/03/2024 Ref 2Cor11:1-13 Hebrews13:7,17 4:16 11:1-3 1Cor11 Titus1:7-11 John15

Church History (6) The Canon of Scripture

21/03/2024 Ref 1Tim4:5-7 2Tim2:15 3:1-6 4:1-4 John14:6 16:13 17:17 2Peter3:13-16

Church History (5) The Importance of the Historical Jesus

14/03/2024 Ref Jude1-4 Acts26:1-29 James2:19-20

Church History (4) Martyrdom The Ultimate Witness

07/03/2024 Ref 1Peter1:3-12 John15

Church History (3) The Power of Love

29/02/2024 Ref Acts4:12-13 Romans8 2Thess2:9-12 John15:9-14

Church History (2) The Early Jewish Church

22/02/2024 Ref Matt9:14-17 Acts7:2-8:1

Church History (1) Introduction

15/02/2024 Ref Isa43:1 Mal3:16-18 Matt7:15-23 2Pet1:16-18 Luk1:1-4

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