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Click below to access all study resources for the year.



The Gospel of John 15 onwards, then Gospel of Mark

Mark Chp6v1-6v29

13/12/2020  Ref. Matt6:25-34

Mark Chp5v1-5v43

29/11/2020  Ref. Luke8, Gal5&6

Mark Chp3v20-4v41

22/11/2020  Ref. John8, Hebrews 3:12-15, 4:1-12

Mark Chp2v23-3v19

15/11/2020  Ref. Hebrews4:1-12

Mark Chp2v3-2v22

08/11/2020  Ref. Matt9:1-13, Luke5:17-32

Mark Chp1v29-2v4

01/11/2020  Ref. Matt8:14-17, Luke4:38-44, Matt4:23-25

Mark Chp1v20-1v31

11/10/2020  Ref. Romans8:9, 2Tim4:20

Mark Chp1v12-1v20

04/10/2020  Ref. Isaiah55:1-9, Jeremiah45, Ephesians5:14-18 

Mark Chp1v1-1v11

27/09/2020  Ref. Acts10:37-43 

Mark Intro

09/08/2020  Ref. Mark8:27-33, 2Tim4:11

John Chp20v30-Chp21 Fin

02/08/2020 Appearance to 7 disciples, Peter's restoration

John Chp20v19-20v29

26/07/2020 Christ appears to the eleven, then Thomas

John Chp20v1-20v18

19/07/2020 Visit of the women and Christ's appearance

John Chp19v25-19v42

12/07/2020 The death of Jesus, Taking down from cross and burial

John Chp19v1-19v27

05/07/2020 Pilate condemns Jesus, The crucifixion

John Chp18v37-19v2

28/06/2020 Pilate seek to release Jesus

John Chp18v28-18v38

21/06/2020 Peter's Denial, Jesus Christ before Pilate

John Chp18v12-18v27 

14/06/2020 Before Annas and Sanhedrin, Peter's Denial

John Chp18v1-18v14 

07/06/2020 The arrest of Christ, dispersion of disciples

John Chp17v20-Chp18 Intro

22/03/2020 Christ prays for all believers

John Chp17v6-17v19

15/03/2020 Christ prays for His disciples

John Chp17v1-17v6

08/03/2020 Christ prays for Himself, prays for His disciples

John Chp16v12-17v5

01/03/2020 Predictions of Christ's death and resurrection. Christ's prayer for Himself.

John Chp16v1-16v11

23/02/2020 Promise of The Holy Spirit

John Chp15v12-15v27

16/02/2020 Relation of believers to each others

John Chp15v1-15v11

09/02/2020 Christ is the true vine

Sunday Morning
Tuesday Evening


God's Leadership Principles (OT Books and NT Survey)

Proverbs Chp8-9

08/12/2020 Ref. Eph5:14-17

Proverbs Chp6v20-7v27

24/11/2020 Ref. Matt7v13-v14

Proverbs Chp4v1-6v19

17/11/2020 Ref. 1Kings11

Proverbs Chp2v16-3v35

10/11/2020 Ref. Matt7, Phil3&4

Proverbs Chp1v10-2v15

03/11/2020 Ref. 2Tim1:6-9, 2:1-7

Proverbs Chp1v1-1v20

27/10/2020 Ref. 1Kings4:32, 1Cor9:24-27, Matt6:19-34, Eph5:18-22






06/10/2020 Ref. Eph5&6, 2Thes2:9-12

Nehemiah fin


Nehemiah Chapter9

11/08/2020 Ref. Dan9:3-22, 2Peter3:9-14

Nehemiah Chapter7,8

04/08/2020 Ref. Dan9:24-26

Nehemiah Chapter5,6

21/07/2020 Ref. Matt24:1-9, John15:18-19

Nehemiah Chapter4

14/07/2020 Ref. 2Peter3:3-9

Nehemiah Chapter2v16-3v32

07/07/2020 Ref. John2:24

Nehemiah Chapter1v5-2v15

30/06/2020 Ref. 1Peter5:1-9

Nehemiah Chapter1v1-1v10

23/06/2020 Ref. Daniel9:24-27

Ezra Chapter 8-10

16/06/2020 Ref. Luke12:54-58 Malachi3:16-18

Ezra Chapter 6v6-7v28

09/06/2020 Ref. Romans13

Ezra Chapter 5v1-6v12

02/06/2020 Ref. 2Tim3, John16:33

Ezra Chapter 4

17/03/2020 Ref. Isaiah 50 Psalms 90

Ezra Chapter 3

10/03/2020 Ref. Matt 6:19-24, Phil 3:7-16, Col 1:24-26, 1 Pet 2:19-21, 4:13 James 5:1-11

Ezra Chapter 2

03/03/2020 Ref. Isaiah 44v24-45v1, 55v6-v11, Jeremaiah 10v22-v24, Luke2v36

Ezra Chapter 1

25/02/2020 Ref. Luke 21v20-24, Daniel 9v24-v27, Isaiah 44v24-45v1

Historical Backdrop

18/02/2020 Ref. Daniel Chap 2,7

Leadership Re-entry

11/02/2020 Jeremaiah 36v24-38v28, 2 Chronicles 36v11-36v23


Reading through the New Testament (Revelation 5 onwards, Last Words Study)

Revelation Chapter17-18

10/12/2020 Isaiah13:19-22, Jeremiah51:26,43

Revelation Chapter16v17-16v21

26/11/2020 Ref. Matt24, Luke21, John16:8-11, Hebrews12:25-29

Revelation Chapter15v3-16v16

19/11/2020 Ref. Deu32

Revelation Chapter14v13-15v3

12/11/2020 Ref. 2Peter3:9

Revelation Chapter14v1-14v12

05/11/2020 Ref. Ezekiel 36:24, Acts17:22-31

Revelation Chapter13v15-13v18

29/10/2020 Ref. 2Thes2:9, Lev19:26-28

Revelation Chapter13v3-13v16

22/10/2020 Ref. Matt4, 7 Deu13, 18

Revelation Chapter12v13 -13v2

15/10/2020 Ref. John15:10-12

Revelation Chapter12v4 -12v12

08/10/2020 Ref. Matt7:13-23, 2Cor11:13, Eph4&5

Revelation Chapter12v1-12v3

01/10/2020 Ref. Matt7:11-23, Jer31, Gen37

Revelation Chapter11v14-11v19

06/08/2020 Ref. comparison of trumpet 1Cor15:50-58, 1Thes4:16-18, Matt24:31

Revelation Chapter11v1-11v15

30/07/2020 Ref. Luke21, Matt24,25

Revelation Chapter10v3-10v11

23/07/2020 Ref. 1John5:11-13, Jer15:15-18, Eze3:1-4

Revelation Chapter10v1-10v4

16/07/2020 Ref. Eph5:14-18, Col4:2-6, 2Cor12:2-4, 1Pet1:9-10, 2:9-10

Revelation Chapter9v12-9v21

09/07/2020 Ref. Eph2, 2Cor11, Psalm135:15-18, Isaiah46:6-7, 1Cor10:20

Revelation Chapter9v5-9v11

02/07/2020 Ref. 1Peter5, James4

Revelation Chapter9v1-9v4

25/06/2020 Ref. 2Tim1:7 Hebrews12 2Cor1:20-22 Eph1:12-13, 4:20,  5:18

Revelation Chapter8v7-8v13

18/06/2020 Ref. Isaiah14:12-14, Ezekiel28, 2Peter3:9

Revelation Chapter8v1-8v7

11/06/2020 Ref. Isaiah28:21-22, Lev3, Psalm47, Hebrews16

Revelation Chapter6&7

04/06/2020 Ref. John 16:33

Revelation Chapter7v1-7v9

19/03/2020 Ref. Matt 6:19-34 Dan 12:4 Isaiah 60:8 Matt 24 Romans 9-11

Revelation Chapter 6v13-6v17

12/03/2020 Ref. Matt 6:25-31, 1 Peter 5:7

Revelation Chapter 6v5-6v12

05/03/2020 Ref. 1 Peter 3:8-9

Revelation Chapter 6v1-6v4


Revelation Chapter 6


Revelation Chapter 5

13/02/2020 Ref. 1 Peter 2:9


God's View Of History (Old Testament Survey)

Lecture 38-41

10/12/2020 Habakkuk, Haggai, Zechariah,  Malachi 

Lecture 36-37

26/11/2020 Nahum Zephaniah Ref. Matt6:19, Zechariah12:10

Lecture 34-35

19/11/2020 Joel, Micah Ref. 1Cor9:24-27, Acts15:7-12  2:17-19, Isaiah63, Rev14

Lecture 33

12/11/2020 Obadiah Ref. Isaiah63:1-6, Hebrews10:13 10:29,  Jeremiah49:7-22, Rev14

Lecture 32

05/11/2020 Hosea Ref. 1Peter1:18-19, 2:9

Lecture 31

29/10/2020 Amos

Lecture 30

22/10/2020 Jonah Ref. 2Kings14:23, Matt12, Luke11, 2Peter3:9

Lecture 29

15/10/2020 Daniel Ref. Luke21:7-35

Lecture 28

08/10/2020 Ezekiel

Lecture 26-27

01/10/2020 Jeremiah, Lamentations

Lecture 25

06/08/2020 Isaiah Ref. 1Peter1:10-13, 2Peter1:19-21, Matt7:15-23

Lecture 22-24

23/07/2020 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon

Lecture 21

16/07/2020 Psalms

Lecture 20

09/07/2020 Job

Lecture 17-19

02/07/2020 Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Lecture 14-16

25/06/2020 2Kings, 1&2Chronicles

Lecture 12-13

18/06/2020 2Samuel, 1Kings

Lecture 10-11

11/06/2020 Ruth, 1Samuel

Lecture 8-9

04/06/2020 Joshua, Judges

Lecture 7

19/03/2020 Deuteronomy

Lecture 6

​12/03/2020 Numbers

Lecture 5

05/03/2020 Leviticus

Lecture 4

27/02/2020 Exodus

Lecture 3

20/02/2020 Genesis

Lecture 1 & 2

13/02/2020 Unfolding Drama Of Redemption / Introduction

Thursday Morning
Thursday Evening

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