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Click below to access all study resources for the year.



The Gospel of Mark,  1Peter

1Peter Chapter1v1-1v6

08/08/2021 Ref. Luke19:44

1Peter Intro

01/08/2021 Ref. Matt4:8 Rom13:1-2

Mark Chapter16v12-16v20

25/07/2021 Ref. Luke24:13-35 Matt10:5-8 28:19-20 2Cor5:16-20 Luke10:1-17

Mark Chapter16v12-16v18

11/07/2021 Ref. Luke24:13-49 Philippians4:4-9 Psalms22:1-2 Isaiah53:1-9

Mark Chapter16v1-16v13

04/07/2021 Ref. Harmony of the gospels

Mark Chapter15v33-16v11

27/06/2021 Ref. Matt28:1-10 Mar16:1-11 Luk24:1-12 John20:1-18

Mark Chapter15v1-15v32

20/06/2021 Ref. Romans14:11 Isaiah45:23 Phil2:5-12 Col1:24 Hebrews10:29-37

Mark Chapter14v63-14v72

13/06/2021 Ref. Psalm35 Lev5 1Cor15:5 Psalm22-24 69

Mark Chapter14v43-14v65

06/06/2021 Ref. Matt26:47-56 Luk22:47-53 Jon18:2-12

Mark Chapter14v12-14v42

30/05/2021 Ref. Isaiah64:1-8, 53 55:6-9 Romans8:15 Zech13:7 2Cor11 2Tim1 1John1 

Mark Chapter13v28-14v11

23/05/2021 Ref. Dan9:25-26 Matt16:1-5 Luke19:43-44

Mark Chapter13v1-13v32

16/05/2021 Ref. John15:18 Dan9 Isaiah19 Rev6:12-17 8:12-13

Mark Chapter12

09/05/2021 Ref. Heb11:32-12:3 Matt23:29-39

Mark Chapter11 OT Verses Reference 

02/05/2021 Ref. Psalms118 Isaiah8:13 Jer7:11 Dan2:33-35 2:44  9:24

Mark Chapter11v12-11v26

18/04/2021 Ref. Ezekiel43:1-2 44:1-2 Malachi3:1

Mark Chapter10v46-11v11

11/04/2021 Ref. John21 Luke19 Psalms118 Dan9

Mark Chapter10v28-10v45

28/03/2021 Ref. John14 Matt27:56 1Cor15

Mark Chapter10v1-10v28

21/03/2021 Ref. Matt7:23

Mark Chapter9

14/03/2021 Ref. Matt19:14

Mark Chapter8v1-9v1


Mark Chapter7

21/02/2021 Ref. Isaiah1:10-20 Jeremiah14:7-12 Amos5:21-27 Malachi 1:10-13

Mark Chapter6v30-7v3

14/02/2021 Ref. 1Peter5:7 Matt14:13-21 Luke9:10-17  John6:1-14 Romans14:23

Sunday Morning
Tuesday Evening


God's Leadership Mentoring 

1Chronicles Chapter6-7

17/08/2021 Ref. Matt4 1Cor3:17 Eph1:4,5:27 1Tim2:8 2Tim1:9 1Peter1:16 Ezekiel3,33 

1Chronicles Chapter3-5

10/08/2021 Ref. Psalms37 51 103 Hebrews11 12 1Thess5:14 2Thess 3:6-15

1Chronicles Chapter2

03/08/2021 Ref. Psalms103:10-17 2Tim3:16-17 2:15-16 Hebrews12:1-2

1Chronicles Chapter1

27/07/2021 Ref. Psalms103:10-17 Matt11:28-30 Hebrews11:1-3 Phil2:5-16

The Arabs in the Last days(13)

20/07/2021 Ref. Rev19:11ff Matt24:29-31 Luke22 2 Peter3 Ezekiel37-39

The Arabs in the Last days(12)

13/07/2021 Ref. Jer49 27 48 Eze21 25 John8 Rom4 Isa16 Dan11 Amo7 9

The Arabs in the Last days(11)

06/07/2021 Ref. 2Peter3:1-9 Isaiah60-66 Habakkuk3:1-7

The Arabs in the Last days(10)

29/06/2021 Ref. Matt3, 25 Isaiah11:10-16 60-66 Eze27-28 Rev13:1-8 18-19

The Arabs in the Last days(9)

22/06/2021 Ref. Rev13:1-8 Gal5:17-19 5:22-26 Eze28:1-19

The Arabs in the Last days(8)

15/06/2021 Ref. Dan7 8 11 Zec12 1The4 2The2:1-10

The Arabs in the Last days(7)

08/06/2021 Ref. Due13:1 18:9 Jer23 Hos4:4-5 4:10 2Tim2:14 Zec14:1 Matt24:9-28 Dan7-9 

The Arabs in the Last days(6)

01/06/2021 Ref. Hebrews11 James2

The Arabs in the Last days(5)

25/05/2021 Ref. John16:7-11 Gal3 Rom4 Psalms32:1-5 Heb6:9-20

The Arabs in the Last days(4)

18/05/2021 Ref. Gen17,25 Rom4:11-22 Jam2:14-23 2Tim3:12,4 2Cor5 

The Arabs in the Last days(3)

11/05/2021 Ref. Gen15-16 Psalms16:5 Heb10-11 1Peter5:6-11 Phi4:4-7 4:11-13

The Arabs in the Last days(2)

04/05/2021 Ref. Jer30 Zec12:1-10 14:2-5 14:12 Isaiah29:5-6 Gen12

The Arabs in the Last days(1)

27/04/2021 Ref. Matt24 Dan7-9,12 Ezekiel37-39

Proverbs Chapter28-31


Proverbs Chapter25-27

13/04/2021 Ref. 1Peter5:1-9

Proverbs Chapter22-24


Proverbs Chapter19-21

30/03/2021 Ref.1Cor8-9

Proverbs Chapter16-18


Proverbs Chapter14-15


Proverbs Chapter12-13


Proverbs Chapter11


Proverbs Chapter10

09/02/2021 Ref. Isaiah55:6-9, 57:20


Revelation / Church History

Click here for the latest online recordings Nov 2021:

Church History Lecture23 - Luther and the Reformation

12/08/2021 Ref. Romans1:13-17

Church History Lecture22 - Prelude to the Reformation

05/08/2021 Ref. Matt19:16 20:25 

Church History Lecture21 - Poverty and Wealth

29/07/2021 Ref. Luke18:18-27 12:22-40

Church History Lecture20 - Scholasticism

22/07/2021 Ref. John1:37-39, 8:12 31 32 16:12-15

Church History Lecture19 - Crusades And Cathedrals

15/07/2021 Ref. Jeremiah7:1-15 Matt10:37-39 16:24-26

Church History Lecture18 - The Church and State in Medieval times

07/07/2021 Ref. 1Peter2:13-17 Romans13:1-7 2Cor5:20 Dan2:31-35

Church History Lecture17 - Gregory the great - The Mass

01/07/2021 Ref. Heb12 Matt20:25-28 1Tim5 2Cor5:8ff 

Church History Lecture16 - The Missions to the Barbarians

24/06/2021 Ref. Matt7:21-23 Acts28 Mark16:17-18

Church History Lecture15 - Icons

17/06/2021 Ref. Hebrews1-2 John3:3-8 6:28-35,63

Church History Lecture14 - The Papacy and Power Politics

10/06/2021 Ref. Matt20:25-28 16:13-19 Luk22:31-32 John21:15-17

Church History Lecture13 - Augustine of Hippo

03/06/2021 Ref. Hebrews11:6-18 13:14 Acts4:8-13 

Church History Lecture12 - Monasticism

27/05/2021 Ref. Eph5:18 6:10-18 1Cor7:19-24

Church History Lecture11 - The Nature of The Lord

20/05/2021 Ref. John1:1-5, 14,18 Heb1:1-6 Matt16 Rom8:5-11

Church History Lecture10 - The Holy Trinity Debate

13/05/2021 Ref. Matt28:18-20 John8:44-58

Church History Lecture9 - Constantine and The Church-The Mixed Multitude

06/05/2021 Ref. Matt7:13-23 5:11-16 Romans13:1-14

Church History Lecture8 - The Apologists and The Intellectuals

29/04/2021 Ref. 1Cor9:19-27 Rom8:9 Acts17:16-34 John17:16-19

Church History Lecture7 - The Great Episcopy

22/04/2021 Ref. 1John1:9 1Cor14:34-37 11:10 1Tim3:1 Titus1:7-11

Church History Lecture6 - The Canon of Scripture

15/04/2021 Ref. 2Peter3:13-16  John14:16 16:3 16:13 Luke1:1-4

Church History Lecture5 - The Importance of the Historical Jesus

08/04/2021 Ref. Matt7:13-23 Acts26:1-29 Jude1-4

Church History Lecture4 - Martyrdom The Ultimate Witness

01/04/2021 Ref. 1Peter1:3-12 Luke17:21-30

Church History Lecture3 - The Power of Love

25/03/2021 Ref. Matt5:14-16 7:15-23  John15:9-11

Church History Lecture2 - The Early Jewish Church

18/03/2021 Ref. Luke21:20 Matt23-24 9:14-16  Acts7

Church History Lecture1- Introduction

11/03/2021 Ref. 2Peter1:16-18 Luke1:1-4 Acts2:29-43

Revelation Chapter21-22

25/02/2021 Ref. 2Peter3:9 ,3:17-18, John14

Revelation Chapter20

18/02/2021 Ref. 1Peter5:7, Isaiah55, 1Cor15

Revelation Chapter19

11/02/2021 Ref. 2Cor5:1-9, John15, 1Peter5:7, Hebrews1:14, 1Cor6


God's View Of History (New Testament Survey)

NT Survey Series Re-Entry


NT Survey Lecture26 Philippians


NT Survey Lecture25 Ephesians

05/08/2021 Ref. Isaiah55

NT Survey Lecture24 Galatians

29/07/2021 Ref. Habakkuk2:4 Matt7

NT Survey Lecture23 2Corinthians

22/07/2021 Ref. 1Peter5:6-11 Philippians3:10-14

NT Survey Lecture22 1Corinthians

15/07/2021 Ref. Isaiah55

NT Survey Lecture21 Romans

08/07/2021 Ref. Habakkuk2:4

NT Survey Lecture20 Paul and his letters

01/07/2021 Ref. 2Cor11:23-33

Synopsis - Are We There Yet - Lecture2

24/06/2021 Ref. Hebrews3:7-14 2Tim3:1-5 4:1-5

Synopsis - Are We There Yet - Lecture1

17/06/2021 Ref. Matt16:1-3

NT Survey  Lecture19a

10/06/2021 Ref. Acts24-26

NT Survey  Lecture19

03/06/2021 Ref. Acts4:1-4 5-12 2:14-41 11:1-4 11:19-26 12:1-2

NT Survey  Lecture18

27/05/2021 Ref. Acts1:1-14 James1:22-27 2:14-20 2Cor11,12

NT Survey  Lecture17

20/05/2021 Ref. John 12:20-36 15:12-18 John17

NT Survey  Lecture16

13/05/2021 Ref. John20:26-31 21:24-25

NT Survey  Lecture15

06/05/2021 Ref. Luke13:1-5,16-31 Phi4:12-13 Luke11:27 15:8 17:20-37

NT Survey  Lecture14

29/04/2021 Ref. Col4:14 Acts28

NT Survey  Lecture12-13


NT Survey  Lecture11


NT Survey  Lecture10

08/04/2021 Ref. Matt5:1-12 Deu28:15-22  John16:12-15

NT Survey  Lecture9


NT Survey  Lecture8

25/03/2021 Ref. John21:20-25 20:26-31 8:54-59 1:1-3,14,18

NT Survey  Lecture7

18/03/2021 Ref. 2Tim1:7-12  John14:13-26  John16:7,12-15  2Tim2:11-16

NT Survey  Lecture5-6

11/03/2021 Ref. Dan2:36-45 Acts24-26

NT Survey  Lecture4

25/02/2021 Ref. Colossians Chp2, 3

NT Survey  Lecture2-3


NT Survey Lecture1

11/02/2021 Bible-Canonicity

Thursday Morning
Thursday Evening

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