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Study Recordings: 2023 Archives


Here you'll find audio recordings of the study lectures held at Ōrākei Baptist Church alongside their accompanying study material. Use the links below to navigate to the recordings you wish to access.

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The Letters to Corinth,  Daniel

Daniel (15) 11-12

03/12/2023 Ref. Matt24 Luke22 Zec13-14 Rev13-19

Daniel (14) 9v22-10v21

26/11/2023 Ref. Isaiah55:8-13

Daniel (13) 8v9-9v22

19/11/2023 Ref. Psalm106 Rev21:8

Daniel (13) 8v9-9v22

19/11/2023 Ref. Psalm106 Rev21:8

Daniel (12) 7v9-8v8

12/11/2023 Ref. Matt24:6-8

Daniel (11) 6v1-7v9

05/11/2023 Ref. Prov3:5-6

Daniel (10) 4v27-5v31

29/10/2023 Ref. Ezekiel28 Isaiah14 Rev21:8

Daniel (9) 3v27-4v27


Daniel (8) 2v44-3v27


Daniel (7) 2v36-2v49

27/08/2023 Ref. Isaiah39,44,45 1Tim2

Daniel (6) 2v17-2v36

20/08/2023 Ref. Psalm4:1-6, 18:1-6, 55, 116

Daniel (5) 1v14-2v18

13/08/2023 Ref. Jam1:5-6 Romans8:31 Dan7:28 1Peter5:5 Isa55:6-9

Daniel (4) 1v6-1v14

06/08/2023 Ref. Romans8:28 John16:33 1John4:4 Joshua23:7-11

Daniel (3) 1v1-1v6


Daniel (2) Intro 2 - Historical Background

16/07/2023 Ref. 2Peter1:16 Dan12 

Daniel (1) Intro 1 - Tests to Apply for the Genuine Prophet

09/07/2023 Ref. 2Peter1:16-21 3:1-18 John2:24-25

2Corinthians12-13 (30) 

02/07/2023 Corinthians Finishes

2Corinthians12 (29) 

25/06/2023 Ref. 2Tim1:7

2Corinthians11b (28) 

18/06/2023 Ref. Acts9:20-25

2Corinthians11a (27) 

11/06/2023 Ref. Gal1:6-9 

2Corinthians10b (26) 

04/06/2023 Ref. Gal1:6-9 Matt7:21-23 Luke6:46

2Corinthians10a (25) 

28/05/2023 Ref. Eph6:13-18 Romans8:1-26, 12:1 

2Corinthians9 (24) 

21/05/2023 Ref. Gal5:16-26 Eph6:10-18 2Tim

2Corinthians8 (23) 

14/05/2023 Ref. John2:28

2Corinthians7-8 (22) 

07/05/2023  Ref. Psalm37:34-40, 62:5-8 1Cor16 1Peter5 Hebrews11:1-3 Psalm103

2Corinthians6-7a (21) 

30/04/2023  Ref. Isaiah52v7-53~  Ezekiel37v23-v27

2Corinthians6 (20) 

23/04/2023  Ref. Luke12

2Corinthians5-6 (19) 

16/04/2023  Ref. 2Cor5:14~  Matt20 John13 Isaiah49:2-8 2Tim1:7

2Corinthians5 (18) 

02/04/2023  Ref. 1Cor15 Isaiah49:8

2Corinthians3-4 (17) 

26/03/2023  Ref. 1Cor15 John16:8-11 Phil3:10 Col1:24 Psalm116

2Corinthians2-3 (16) 

19/03/2023  Ref. Psalm103 1John1:9

1Corinthians16 - 2Corithians1 (15) 

12/03/2023  Ref. 1Cor15:52-58

1Corinthians15 (14)

05/03/2023  Ref. Isaiah22:13 56:12

1Corinthians15:1-20 (13)

19/02/2023  Ref. 1Cor12:7 11:4-15

1Corinthians13-14 (12)

12/02/2023  Ref. Isaiah28:11-12

1Corinthians (11)


1Corinthians (10)


1Corinthians (9)

13/12/2022  Ref. Romans8:9

1Corinthians (8)


1Corinthians (7)

08/12/2022  Ref. 1John5

1Corinthians (6)

06/12/2022  Ref. Matt5:17 Eph5:15 1John4:4

1Corinthians (5)


1Corinthians (4)


1Corinthians (3)

20/11/2022  Ref. Job5:13

1Corinthians (2)


1Corinthians (1)


1Corinthians Intro

30/10/2022 Ref. Lev17:7 Deu32:17-18 1Cor10:19 Joshua23:7 24:15


The Life of Moses , Jeremiah, Lamentations, Malachi 

Malachi (4) 4

05/12/2023 Ref. Deu18:5 Matt17:1-8 Mark9 Rev11:3-4 Zech10

Malachi (3) 3v6-3v18

28/11/2023 Ref. Psalm136:10 Hebrews Isa55 Esther4-7Rev11:3-6

Malachi (2) 2v9-3v6

21/11/2023 Ref. Psalm66:16 Rev20:12-13 21:8, 27

Malachi (1) 1v1-2v9

14/11/2023 Ref. Matt7:20-23 Rev21:8

Lamentations (2)

07/11/2023 Ref. Matt5:38-41 11:28-30 Psalm66:18 2Tim3:1-5

Lamentations (1)

31/10/2023 Ref. Deu30:15-19 Isa28:21-23 2Pet3:9 Phi3:10 Col1:24-26 Jam5:10 1Pet4:13 5:6-9

Jeremiah 52


Jeremiah 50-51

17/10/2023 Ref. Psalm103 Lev17:7 Deu32:17 Johua23:7 1Cor10

Jeremiah 49-50

10/10/2023 Ref. Ezekiel38:8

Jeremiah 46-48

03/10/2023 Ref. Dan2:36-38

Jeremiah 44-45

26/09/2023 Ref. 1Peter4:1-2, 7-11, 5:5b-11

Jeremiah 42-43

19/09/2023 Ref. Psalm25:1-8 Romans8:18-28 2Tim1:7 Matt11:28 7:13-23 1Peter5:7

Jeremiah 41-42

29/08/2023 Ref. Ecc7:15-19 Psalms116 68 49 Matt10:38-39 16:24 Luk12:16 2Pete3:9

Jeremiah 40-41

22/08/2023 Ref. Matt7:13-23 John2:25-26

Jeremiah 37-39

15/08/2023 Ref. 2Kings25:18-21 Isaiah55

Jeremiah 34-36

08/08/2023 Ref. GAl 1:6-9 Gen15

Jeremiah 32-33

01/08/2023 Ref. Hebrews 3:15 2Tim1:7 1Peter5

Jeremiah 31-32

25/07/2023 Ref. Ezekiel3:10 Proverb30:11-16 Psalm103&51 Exodus20:4-8 2Sam12:21-23 Ezra2

Jeremiah 30-31


Jeremiah 29

11/07/2023 Ref. Phil3:8-10 Col1:24 2Tim1:7

Jeremiah 27-28

04/07/2023 Ref. Isaiah14:1-8 1Peter2:12-17

Jeremiah 24-26

27/06/2023 Ref. Isaiah55:1-9 Dan9:1-3

Jeremiah 23

20/06/2023 Ref. Hosea4:4-6 Matt7 Ezekiel37-39 Dan9

Jeremiah 21-22

13/06/2023 Ref. Deu30:15-20 32:15-18 Psalm119:104-107

Jeremiah 18-20

06/06/2023 Ref. 1Cor10:9-14 Ezra2:36-38 1Peter5:7

Jeremiah 17

30/05/2023 Ref. 1Cor9:24-27 Job19:21-26 Luke12 Nehemiah2:8

Jeremiah 14-16

23/05/2023 Ref. Deu30:11-20 1Tim4:1-7 2Tim3:1-5 4:3 Dan9 Psalm51 Ezekiel14:14

Jeremiah 11-13

16/05/2023 Ref. Psalm66:18 Ezra2:23 Nehemiah1

Jeremiah 8-10

09/05/2023 Ref. Matt16:1-4 Rev21 Isaiah55 2Tim1:7

Jeremiah 7

02/05/2023 Ref. Jer23:16-21 John10:1-14 , 8:31 Deu13:1-5,18:20-22

Jeremiah 5-6

25/04/2023 Ref. Matt23 1Peter5:7 2Tim1:7 Matt7:20-23

Jeremiah 3-5

18/04/2023 Ref. Hos10:9-13 Jam2:19 Matt13:7 Gal 5:19-26 Luk19:41,21:20-24

Jeremiah 2-3

11/04/2023 Ref. Luke12:16-20 John7, 17

Jeremiah 1-2

04/04/2023 Ref. Matt24:38 Luke18:8 1Tim4:12-16

Jeremiah Intro

28/03/2023 Ref. Jer5:30-31 2Kings22:1-23 2Chron24 Hab2:14-20 3:17-19 Jer1:19

Lives(66) Moses Numbers 22-36 Fin

23/03/2023 Ref. Romans8:28 Isaiah63:1 Numbers31:8

Lives(65) Moses Numbers 20-21

21/03/2023 Ref. 1Cor9:24-27 2Cor5:18-20

Lives(64) Moses Numbers 17-20

16/03/2023 Ref. Deu30:15-20 1John1:9

Lives(63) Moses Numbers 16

14/03/2023 Ref. Matt4:8-10 7:13-23 1Cor12 Numbers26:11

Lives(62) Moses Numbers 14-15

09/03/2023 Ref. Deu10:12-11:2 2Tim1:7 Exodus20 1John2:16-17 1 Cor11:31-32

Lives(61) Moses Numbers 13-14

07/03/2023 Ref. Deu1 2Tim1:7 Isaiah40

Lives(60) Moses Numbers 12

02/03/2023 Ref. 2Cor6:11 1Cor7 1Tim3:2 Rom14:4 Deu1:22-40 Psalm119

Lives(59) Moses Numbers 10-11

28/02/2023 Ref. Jer22:24 Haggai2:22-23 Provb3 Due8:2-6

Lives(58) Moses Numbers 8-9

23/02/2023 Ref. Psalm105 , 119:105-142 Lev15 Rom12:1-2

Lives(57) Moses Numbers 6-7

21/02/2023 Ref. 1Thess4:3-12 2Thess3:6-10 Galatians2:20

Lives(56) Moses Numbers 5

16/02/2023 Ref. Romans12:1-2 2Cor10:4-5 Psalm108 Matt12:22-32

Lives(55) Moses Numbers 3-4

09/02/2023 Ref.1Cor3:16-17 Eph1:3-4 5:27 1Tim2:8-10 2Tim1:7-9 1Peter1:12-16

Lives(54) Moses Numbers 1-2

07/02/2023 Ref. 2Tim2:4 Hebrews3:7 11:6 13 Psalm69

Thursday Morning

Systematic Theology Part 2 - Applying the Truth of God's Character

Systematic Theology 79 New Heavens and New Earth

26/10/2023 Ref. John14:1-7 Rev21:1-4, 5-10, 11-21 22-27 22:1-5 2Peter3:10-14

Systematic Theology 78 Satan's Judgement

19/10/2023 Ref. John12:27-33 16:8-11 Eze28:12-19 Gen3:15 Rev12:7-12 20:1-3, 7-10

Systematic Theology 77 The Millennial Kingdom

12/10/2023 Ref. Rev20:1-10 Psalm2, 72 Isaiah11, 42, 61 Joel 2

Systematic Theology 76 The Judgements

05/10/2023 Ref. Romans8:1-2 2Cor5:10 Heb4:1 1Cor3:11-15 1John2:28 Eph5 Dan12:1-3 Rev20:4-6 Matt25:31-46 Isa45:23 Num14:27-29 Eze18:1-4

Systematic Theology 75 The Resurrections

28/09/2023 Ref. 2Cor5:9-20 1Cor15:12-26 1Thess4:13-18 Matt27:52-53 Lev23:9-14 Job19:23-27 Dan12:1-2 Isa26:19-21 Rev20:4-6, 11-15

Systematic Theology 74 Second Coming of The Lord

21/09/2023 Ref. Acts1:6-11 Eph5 Zec14:1-5 12:9-11Deu30:1-4 Psa2:1-12 Isa9:1-2, 6-7 11:1-12

Systematic Theology 71-73 Rapture

31/08/2023 Ref. John14:1-3 1Cor15 1Thes4:13-18 5:1-11Acts1:9-11

Systematic Theology 70 Great Tribulation

24/08/2023 Ref. Rom5 Thes1,2,5 Rev6 Dan9,11,12

Systematic Theology 69 Events before the Second Advent

17/08/2023 Ref. Matthew13,24 Luke21

Systematic Theology 68 Major Covenants

10/08/2023 Ref. Num23:19 Gen12:1-4 15:18-21 2Sam7:8-17, 18-29 Isa9:6,7 11:1-12 Luk1:26-33 Acts1:1-8

Systematic Theology 67 Prophecy Survey

03/08/2023 Ref. Dan12:8-10 1Peter1:10-12 2:9 Matt7

Systematic Theology 66 Israel in Prophecy and History

27/07/2023 Ref. Heb11:8 Zac10:12 Dan9:24-27 Luk4:16-21 Isa61:1-2aCol1:25-26 

Systematic Theology 65 Gentiles in Prophecy and History

20/07/2023 Ref. 2Peter3:10-14 Luke21:5-27 Matt24 Dan2 

Systematic Theology 64 The Church's New Day Worship

13/07/2023 Ref. Gen2:1-3 Exodus16:29 20:8-11 31:12-18 Neh9:13 Eze20:10-14 22:26 Dan9:1-2 Mark2:23-28 Heb4:1-12 Eph4:1-3 Rom12:1-2

Systematic Theology 63 The Destiny of the Church

06/07/2023 Ref. 1Cor12:12-27 3:10-15 9:15-27 Eph4:1-16 5:21-29 Rev19:1-11 Rom14:10-13

Systematic Theology 62 The Ordinances of the Church

29/06/2023 Ref. John4:14 Luke22:15-20 1Cor11:23-24

Systematic Theology 61 Church Government

22/06/2023 Ref. Titus1:1-9 John21:15-17 Matt18

Systematic Theology 59-60 - Other Ministries

15/06/2023 Ref. Matt11:4-5 19:16-27 26:9-13 Gal2:10 1Tim5:3ff 1The5:9-18 2The3:1-10 2Cor6:14-18

Systematic Theology 57&58 - Worship Prayer and Thanksgiving

08/06/2023 Ref. John4:21-24 14:12-15 15:7 16:23-25 Matt18:15-17 Gal 5:25 6:1 John2:25-26 James4:6-10 1Tim5:1-20

Systematic Theology 56 - Service and Stewardship

01/06/2023 Ref. John21 Matt18:20  Mark 11:22-26 John 14:12-18 15:7-12 1Peter5:5-10

Systematic Theology 55 - Christian Character in Church

25/05/2023 Ref. 1Peter2:1-11 Hebrews10:19-22 4:16 1John4:15-21 5:1-3 2Tim1:7 Rev1:4-6

Romans11:33 -12:12 Ezekiel18:32 33:11 Isaiah28 30:18 2Cor5:6-20

Systematic Theology 54 - Church - Purpose and Commission

18/05/2023 Ref. Acts15:1-19 Matt13 28:18-20 16:13-18 1Peter2-3 1Cor10:32 Roman11 1John3

Systematic Theology 53 - The Church

11/05/2023 Ref. Eph5:25-32, 1:22-23, 3:1-12 Acts19:39-41 7:38 Rom16:5 1Cor12:12-13 1Cor10:31-33 Gal3:23-29 Hebrews12 1Peter1:9-19

Systematic Theology 52 - Giving The Gospel

04/05/2023 Ref. Matt28:16-20 1Cor15 Luke24:44-50 John21 2Cor5:16-21 John16:8-11Acts4:12 16:30-34 Rev21 Matt7:13-23

Systematic Theology 51 - The Atonement

27/04/2023 Ref. 1John1:8-2:6 2Peter1:19-2:1 Hebrews2:3 Habakkuk2:4 Isa45:22-24 Romans14:11 Phil2:5-11 Rev20:11-15 21:8 Romans3:23-27

Systematic Theology 49-50 - Election

13/04/2023 Ref. 1Cor2:14-16 2Peter3:9-18 Job41,42 1Peter1:1-10 Col3:12-16 John15 Isaiah55 John3:16 16:8-11

Systematic Theology 48 - Future Destiny of Believers

06/04/2023 Ref. Matt11:25-27 1Cor12:11-13:1 Isaiah55:6-9 Jeremiah10:23-24 Acts7:55-60 2Cor5:2-8

Systematic Theology 46-47 Salvation and the Believer

30/03/2023 Ref. Jude3 1John5, 1 Mark11 Rev3:20-22 Gal5:16 Eph5:20 Rom9:16 -21 Phil1:9-11 James 3,5 2Tim1:7-9 Psalm51, 103 1Cor9:24-27  James2:19 Matt7 Rom8:26-39 1Pete1

Systematic Theology 45 - Spiritual Growth of the Believer

23/03/2023 Ref. Rev3:20-22 John17:14 Psalm23 Galatians5 1Peter2:7-12 5:10 2Peter3:18 Rom2:1-2 1John 1-10

Systematic Theology 44 - God's Imputed Righteousness


Systematic Theology 43 - Salvation from the Power of Sin

09/03/2023 Ref. Rom8 Gal 5 1Peter1:3-4 2Peter1:3-10 1Peter5 1Cor3

Systematic Theology 42 - Salvation from the Penalty of Sin

02/03/2023 Ref. 2Tim1:7 Acts 7:56 Eph2:8 Matt24:13 John19

Systematic Theology 41 - Sin Inheritance and Imputation

23/02/2023 Ref. Rom7:14-25 1John1 1Isaiah61:3 2Tim1:7 Prob6:16 Rom3:22 2Cor5:19-21

Systematic Theology 40 - Christ's Teaching of Sin

16/02/2023 Ref. James1:12-16 Matt13:33 Gen3:12 1John1 Psalm113 

Systematic Theology 39 - The Nature of Sin

09/02/2023 Ref. Romans3:21-31 1John1

Ezekiel 38-39 (2)

07/12/2023 Ref. Matt24 Luke22

Zechariah (10)

30/11/2023 Ref. Rev19:11-21 Acts1 Jos23-24 1Cor10 Mark14:27 Matt26:56 Luke21v24

Zechariah (9)

23/11/2023 Ref. Psalm 22-24 Dan11 Rev16:17-21

Zechariah (8)

16/11/2023 Ref. Ezekiel26 Dan9 Isaiah61 Matt21:4-5 Eze43 44 Malachi3:1

Zechariah (7)

09/11/2023 Ref. Rev21:8 Matt6:16-18 7:20 Rev21:8

Zechariah (6)

02/11/2023 Ref. Rev21:8 Matt7:15-23 Amos4,5 Psalm68:20 116:15 Isa28:20-22

Zechariah (5)


Zechariah (4)


Zechariah (3)

12/10/2023 Ref. Dan9, 12 Matt24:15-16 Isaiah48:16-22 Jer6:13

Zechariah (2)

05/10/2023 Ref. Deu30 Psalm103

Zechariah (1)

28/09/2023 Ref. Deu29:29-30:20 2Cor13:5


21/09/2023 Ref. Philippians4:8-13

Exilic Prophets Intro 2

31/08/2023 Ref. Ezra 6-7

Exilic Prophets Intro 1

24/08/2023 Ref. Ezra1-6

Ezekiel 45-48

17/08/2023 Ref. Rev16:17, 20  Jeremiah38 

Ezekiel 44

10/08/2023 Ref. Hebrews4 

Ezekiel 41-43

03/08/2023 Ref. Hebrews11 1Cor11

Ezekiel 40

27/07/2023 Ref. Psalm100 Zech12:10 Psalm120

Ezekiel 38-39 (2)

07/12/2023 Ref. Matt24 Luke22

Ezekiel 38-39 (1)

20/07/2023 Ref. Matt24

Ezekiel 37-38

13/07/2023 Ref. Matt27:51-56

Ezekiel 34-36

06/07/2023 Ref. Psalm31 Matt20

Ezekiel 32-33

29/06/2023 Ref. Hebrews9:27 10:30 12:28

Ezekiel 29-31


Ezekiel 27-28

15/06/2023 Ref. Isaiah28 Rev 20-21

Ezekiel 24-26

08/06/2023 Ref. Isaiah14:9-15 23:2-5

Ezekiel 22-23

01/06/2023 Ref. 1John1

Ezekiel 20-21

25/05/2023 Ref. 1Peter5:5-11

Ezekiel 17-19

18/05/2023 Ref. Exodus20:4-6 Job15:16-35 Jer31:29-31 Matt7,12 John15 Gal5 Jam2,3

Ezekiel 14-16

11/05/2023 Ref. James1:5-8 Psalm66:18 John15 Matt23

Ezekiel 12-13

04/05/2023 Ref. John3:16-21

Ezekiel 7-11

27/04/2023 Ref. 1Peter5:7

Ezekiel 4-7

13/04/2023 Ref. Isaiah6:8 Deu28 2Kings26 Psalm103

Ezekiel 2-3

06/04/2023 Ref. Phil3:10 Col1:24 John15

Ezekiel 1

30/03/2023 Ref. Matt20:25 Jer28 29:4-32 Psalm107 Matt24:37-39

Thursday Evening

Ezekiel Haggai Zechariah

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